In current time it is very important for Fashion Designers or Technical Designers to learn a vector tool such as Adobe Illustrator. All established and Start-up Clothing Brands require to submit well illustrated designs to suppliers.
This is very important for suppliers to view clear sketches in the form of a document to follow precise instructions for Sampling & Production. The Fashion CADs and Techpacks should have all necessary details that you want to see on your apparels. This will basically includes everything related to its design and Construction.
Templates Used To Create This Post:
Adding details on a fashion cad, is now much easier when using a vector tool and if you have a good hand over it. In this video we are showing you an example of how we add those little details on our CADs.
YouTube Channel
We have created our YouTube Channel to spread awareness and the purpose of our mission to do this project. This is our first video it may look a bit boring since there is no sound and no annotations. However the purpose to watch is to learn and getting to know in detail.
We will keep on adding some cool videos here, it will be great to see you there as well. If you like it, hit the Subscribe button and it will also give us motivation to keep things up and running.
If you have any questions use the comment box below or if you require personal training write us an email at info@vecfashion.com
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